When returning to the tail of the spacecraft, there were no monsters in the field of vision. At least a few thousand monsters were taken care of by this small mini machine gun department.
不过疯狗龙一走尾部铁板时整个世界地动山摇起来飞船在晃动、山坡也在晃动感觉就像大地震要爆发了 怎么回事? 疯狗龙趴在地他听到地心深处又来了怪物嘶叫但这次叫和前面那些叫完不同这次感觉是大家伙发出低沉悲鸣音虽不尖利可是非常有力度 果不其然“哗啦”一巨响后疯狗龙被震得一屁股坐在地再抬头一看前面山坡他直接就尿了 一头法形怪物从地破土而出这个怪物足足有一个足球场那么大看起来就像是一黑色乌龟但龟壳伸出两条长约3米巨蛇蛇头竟呈三角形状眼睛在漆黑黑色闪着绿光 其中一条蛇张尖牙利嘴碰出一道紫色火焰 火焰喷射速度很慢但是疯狗龙爬起来就往飞船尾部返回 这条火焰是从左右扫过来还隔着十多米距离疯狗龙就发现自己魔抗跌“—34点”生命值每秒5点速度在降那股灼热气浪远远袭来脸刺刀剃痛 这要是被火焰真身扫中了就算是一坨铁都会被烧化 这是boss吗?疯狗龙惊疑不定他选择靠窗通道朝外张望 蛇头妖火并没有因他钻进飞船而停止而是继续扫过来 疯狗龙傻眼了飞船尾舱融化闪闪发亮钢板、墙壁、玻璃一瞬化了火红钢水 我操啊!这要是活活烧死我节奏! 疯狗龙也不管了透过窗抬枪就朝蛇头狂扫 Pink from the machine gun is particularly beautiful when flying in the night, as if it were setting off fireworks. The problem is that each bullet can take away the snakehead’s health by 1 point, and…
"Let’s cut the cards." Guiping switched his card set with the black man. When cutting the cards, Guiping could feel that the other party seemed to be staring at him with resentment, and he couldn’t help shivering again, but he didn’t understand why the other party cared so much about their brothers.
"Haimajun, don’t you think the voice that hides his face is familiar?" The game turned to ask Haima, "Although his voice is hoarse and ugly, it seems that we have met someone from the tone and tone of voice …" "I feel the same way." Haima rarely agreed with a…
"Your master is the Buddha of Dayimen!"
Lin Tianxie was shocked. I don’t know where the other party learned that he was a Buddha disciple. Even if he saw that he was a fairy profession, he shouldn’t guess that he was a Buddha disciple. Are there many fairy professionals who are all immortal disciples? "Isn’t it strange…
Four thousand seven hundred injuries! Add the first 1,500 injuries to Yang Ye and only have more than 1,000 blood left.
But fortunately, it is not dead! Yang Ye escaped from the state of throwing and floated to the surface again. Xinghua Rain rushed to Yang Ye to release treatment and constantly restore his life. "You scared me to death!" sakura rain patted his chest and the two peaks trembled-that’s milk!…
Will also be in the hands of potion filling Yang Ye eyes have been fixed on the shower in the sky-how to attack him so as not to be noticed by a thought into a demon?
Withering skills, Yang Ye and Yi Nian’s blood volume are crazy, but they quickly got into the ground and flew to Central Lilina without any damage. Sure enough, Lilina should be "naughty" … Lilina!’ Yang Ye silently shouted in his heart, Lilina, such communication is feasible for followers "Uh-huh brother!"…
Zhu Yeqing must have said something but didn’t say much.
I said there, "Since you want to know, you will know that keeping it won’t make you regret it." Then I pointed at the two Italians and said, "This novice is mine. Let’s go." Pretend that the old man can fool the past and fool the past. As a result,…
When asked about this, he suddenly remembered that he had seen a lovesick crested gown. If he lost his memory, he couldn’t remember it, but at that time, the dark guard told him a lot
Seeing that the symptoms of the emperor’s headache eased a little, Feng Yi said, "Back to the emperor, the emperor has indeed seen the appearance of Miss Chang Si’s crested gown. At that time, in Nanyong, Guo Qingmu forced Chang Xiangsi to marry him. When the two of them just…
The cloak man nodded. "You are absolutely right. He is just a chess game, and you will be my opponent against those false gods. It depends on your choice!" "
"What if we refuse?" Zhaojie cold hum a way. The cloak man put out a finger and said, "I don’t recommend you to do this because it will be the worst decision you will make." Zhaojie sneered at what he was about to say. Bill Seth suddenly said, "So what…